Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)




A Journal of Politics and the Arts Volume 10 ■ Number 5 (58) ■  September 1997

Table of Contents

Current Affairs Digest

If It Were Possible to Travel a Decade Backwards in Time

The Editor and His Guests: Yedidya Atlas - The Hizbullah ■  Louis Ren้ Beres - Let Us Eat and Drink, For Tomorrow... ■  Herbert Zweibon - Netanyahu in Clinton's Medium Pressure-Cooker ■ Yohannan Ramati - The Arab Demand for Unconditional Surrender. The Slaughter in the Market - Arafat is Asked Not to Murder Any More Jews ■  The Impoverishment of the Arabs of YESH"A ■  How to Award Legitimization to a Fifth Column


Mubarak's Wedge - The Negev as Casus Belli

Yossef Bodansky

Egypt's War Expenditures: 2.5 or 14 Billion Dollars?

Shawn Pine

What Will Be the Cost of Military Substitutions for the Golan Heights?

Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto

Israel in Russia's Foreign Policy

Dmitry Prokofiev

The Six Day's War Victory and the Seventh Day's Defeat

Aharon Dolev

Jerusalem's Partition in 1948

Yehuda Lapidot

American Jewry and Israel: Some Gloomy Thoughts

Edward Alexander

The Empire of Adolescence: America and the Imperial Idea

James Kurth

Andreas Papandreau: A Leader and Populist

Moshe Gilboa


Defeats that Never Were – Uri Milstein on Avi Kover's Book ■  Israel - The Power of Self-Deceit – Christopher Barder on Ramon Bennet's Book


The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir


Rami Ditzany ■ Yapha Zinns ■ Esther Silber-Vitkon


Not Exactly Fitting – Sarit Yalov

Essays and Reviews

Additional Remarks on Agnon's Works Concerning the Holocaust – Hillel Weiss


Foolishly Pious - Moshe Silberg


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