Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto,
Col (ret.), Member of 12th Knesset and of Madrid Peace Conference
(1991), has 41 years operational service as covert operative, Battle
of Jerusalem and (1948-1984) Air Force, Fighter and Test Pilot, etc.,
to Chief of Planning and Ops. Requirements. Rafael Advisory Board
1992-1995. YTC publishes extensively on policy and security
issues in Israel and abroad, and is a founding member of the Ariel
Center for Policy Research. In March 2002, YTC published a
position paper related to the bearing on the Israeli Air Force of a
possible US failure to achieve all its declared Aims of War Against
Terror, in the pending Gulf War. He participated in the publication of
an independent, non-classified, Israeli-American group position paper
dealing with the suggested policy to be followed by Israel if/when a
rogue ME regime will, or is about to, possess nuclear or biological
weapons. The paper, “Project Daniel”, was handed to PM Sharon on
January 16, 2003.