Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)




A Journal of Politics and the Arts Volume 10 ■ Number 4 (57) ■  July 1997

Table of Contents

Current Affairs Digest

The Zionist Congress - How to Destroy a Relationship with an Ally

The Editor and His Guests: Paul Eidelberg - "Justice" and the Arab Vote Howard Grief - Ahmed Tibi: A License for Treason ■ Elyakim Ha'Etzni - The Six Day War was the Judea-Samaria-Gaza War ■ Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto - So What is the Price of the Golan? ■ Nir Zoref - Israel in the Eyes of Its Neighbors: Arab Judeophobia in Writing and Illustration ■ Christopher Barder - The New Labour Government and Israel ■ Martin Sherman - Why SAD is so MAD? ■ Ya'ir Peleg - Now the Jordanians Want (and Get) What is Left of Israel's Water ■ Ezra Sohar - Impressions of a Trip to Russia


About the (Un)Safe Passage

Aharon Klieman

The Forgotten Forty-Year Genocide in the Sudan

Eliyahu Green

On Dialogue Between the Religious Public and the Secular Public: Several Basic Assumptions Towards an Attempt at Bringing People Together (II)

Dov Landau

Didn't We See this Movie at Least Once Before

Sarit Yalov

A View from Outside Israel: Some Military and Strategic Reasons Why Israel Should Not Cede the Golan Heights to Syria

Christopher Barder

About "Treason"

Howard Grief

How Much Does Egypt Spend on Weapons of War?

Shawn Pine

The Six Day War: Why is Israel Abandoning its Gains?

Uri Milstein

If it Happened Today... Rescuers and Abandoners in a Time of Darkness

Elyakim Ha'Etzni


Where Yehezkel Dror Makes a Mistake: A.S. on The Renewal of Zionism by Yehezkel Dror ■  "Admonish a Wise Man and He Will Love You" - Gideon Seter on the journal Tchelet (Azure: Ideas for the Jewish Nation)


The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir


Herzl Hakkak ■ Tyrtayos ■ Balfour Hakkak ■ Zahava ben-Dov ■ Asaph Keller


Moshe Shamir - The Upturned Atlas

Essays and Reviews

Aharon Amir - The Age of the Gods ■ Gad Carmi - Like a Thistle in the Field


H.N. Bialik - Again I Saw You in Your Impotence


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