Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)


ACPR Research - Summary

The Shock of Surrender

ACPR Policy Paper No. 165, 2006 (Hebrew)

ACPR Policy Paper No. 167, 2007 (English)

Elyakim Haetzni

In “The Shock of Surrender”, Elyakim Haetzni tackles a glaring omission. In the 40-year public debate that has raged in Israel over the fate of the Biblical territories conquered in the Six Day War, every aspect of the issue has been microscopically analyzed except for the most essential one: the effect of abdicating our right to the Land of Israel on the ancient soul of Israel and on its modern avatar of Zionism.

“The voluntary surrender of East Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza,” argues Haetzni, “is a mortal wound to the heart of Zionism, the miraculous modern fruit of 2,000 years of Jewish yearning and striving.”

Can it be that the Jewish state was created after millennia of longing for return, only to enable its official representatives to renounce any Jewish right to the Biblical heartland, and to destroy and re-exile its resurrected and thriving Jewish communities?

How will we continue to teach our children the stirring words of the prophets as the life force of our faith, once leaders of no faith have turned the Bible from a prophecy fulfilled to a prophecy proven false?

Haetzni asks these and other deeply fundamental questions, but also takes his exploration onto the harder and firmer ground of the juridical basis of the Jewish state. He outlines the “unwritten constitution” that modern Israel rests upon, and traces ways in which this unwritten constitution was tacitly and explicitly incorporated into the Israeli legal system.

Haetzni also looks at the human rights and international law ramifications of expelling Jews from their homes and destroying their communities. He examines the justifications for the policy of expulsion that are brought in the name of democracy by examining the issues of majority versus minority rights and foundational human rights in the western democratic tradition. He moves from theory to actuality by comparing the situation in Israel with modern historical analogues.

Haetzni’s prose is careful and reasoned, but the existential meaning of Israel’s current path that it exposes is truly shocking.

For the complete text of this paper (in Hebrew), click here.

For the complete text of this paper (in English), click here.