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Below is  the list of books published by the ACPR. For additional information on any of these books, click on the titles.

Arieh Stav, Peace: The Arabian Caricature – A Study of Anti-Semitic Imagery (Hebrew), Zmora Bitan Publishers, 1996, 250 pages (hardcover); (English) Gefen Publishers, 1999, 288 pages (hardcover).

Arieh Stav (ed.), Israel at the Crossroads, ACPR Publishers, 1997, 196 pages (softcover).

Arieh Stav (ed.), Political Strategy in an Era of Chaotic Change (Hebrew), Modan Publishers, 1997, 312 pages (hardcover, large format).

Arieh Stav, Ballistic Missiles: The Threat and the Response (Hebrew), Yediot Aharonot Publishers, 1998, 330 pages (softcover); (English), Brassey’s (UK) Ltd., 1999, 400 pages (hardcover).

Arieh Stav, The Israeli Death Wish: A Study in the Jewish Attitude Toward National Sovereignty (Hebrew), Modan Publishers, 1998, 361 pages (softcover).

Ezra Sohar, A Concubine in the Middle East, Gefen Publishing House, 1999, 250 pages (hardcover).

Yossef Bodansky, Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument, ACPR Publishers and The Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, 1999, 180 pages, (softcover); (Hebrew), Tammuz Publishers, 2000, 206 pages, (softcover).

 Shlomo Sharan and Ervin Birnbaum, The Religious-Secular Conflict in Israel, ACPR Publishers, 1999, 100 pages (softcover).

Paul Eidelberg, Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall,, ACPR Publishers, 2000, 255 pages (softcover); (Hebrew), Tammuz Publishers, 2000, 252 pages (softcover).

Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto, Shawn Pine, Mordechai Nisan and Dany Shoham, Peace with Syria: No Margin for Error, ACPR Publishers, 2000, 120 pages (softcover).

Amnon Lord, The Israeli Left: From Socialism to Nihilism (Hebrew), Tammuz Publishers, 2000, 135 pages (softcover).

Dany Shoham, Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Arab Countries and Iran – An Existential Threat to Israel?, ACPR Publishers, 2001, 119 pages (softcover).

Arieh Stav (ed.), Israel and a Palestinian State: Zero Sum Game?, ACPR Publishers & Zmora Bitan Publishers, 2001, 532 pages (hardcover, large format).

Eliav Shochetman, Justice Justice Shalt Thou Pursue (Hebrew), ACPR Publishers, 2001, 113 pages (softcover).

Christopher Barder, Oslo’s Gift of “Peace”: The Destruction of Israel’s Security, ACPR Publishers, 2001, 330 pages (softcover).

Aharon Amir, The Black Book – Southern Lebanon: A Story of Flight, Betrayal and Disgrace (Hebrew), Carmel Publishers, 2001, 176 pages (hardcover).

Christopher Barder, “Enough of Blood and Tears...” Yitzhak Rabin: A Statistically Based Survey of the Oslo Process, Its Agreements and Results, ACPR Publishers, 2002, 135 pages (softcover).

Yosef Oren, An Unconventional Attitude toward Israeli Literature, ACPR Publishers, 2002, 85 pages (softcover).

Raphael Israeli, Arabs in Israel: Friends or Foes? (Hebrew), Eli Gabbai (Publisher) with ACPR Publishers, 2002, 280 pages (hardcover).

David Bukay, Total Terrorism In The Name Of Allah: The Emergence of the New Islamic Fundamentalists, ACPR Publishers, 2002, 199 pages (softcover).

Ezra Sohar (ed.), What's Going On? The State Of Israel – Basic Facts (Hebrew), ACPR Publishers, 2002, 111 pages (softcover).

David Bukay, Arab-Islamic Political Culture: A Key to Understanding Arab Politics and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, ACPR Publishers, 2003, 136 pages (softcover).

Atalia Ben-Meir, Failure or Folly, ACPR Publishers, 2003, 159 pages (softcover); (Hebrew), Tammuz Publishers with ACPR Publishers, 2005, 191 pages (softcover).

Shlomo Sharan (ed.), Israel and the Post Zionists: A Nation at Risk, Sussex Academic Press with ACPR Publishers, 2003, 256 pages.

David Bukay (ed.), Muhammad's Monsters, Balfour Books and ACPR Publishers, 2004, 300 pages (softcover).

David Pryce-Jones, The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs (Hebrew), Kinneret, Zmora-Bitan, Dvir Publishers and ACPR Publishers, 2004, 414 pages.

Arieh Stav (ed.), The Threat of Ballistic Missiles in the Middle East: Active Defense and Counter-Measures, Sussex Academic Press and ACPR Publishers, 2004, 298 pages (hardcover). (This is a revised edition of the book, Ballistic Missiles: The Threat and The Response, Brassey’s (UK) Ltd., 1999 (English), 400 pages.)

Shmuel Tzabag (ed.), The Jews, Israel and the Nuclear Question - A Collection of Articles by Professor Yuval Ne'eman (Hebrew), ACPR Publications and the College of Judea and Samaria, 2007, 247 pages (softcover).