Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)



Walid Phares

Walid Phares, born in Beirut, Lebanon, is an Associate Professor of political science and comparative politics at Florida Atlantic University and a visiting scholar at the University of Miami and Florida International University. Professor Phares holds degrees in Law and Political Science, a Masters in International Law and a Ph.D. in International Relations. He is the author of eight books on the Middle East including: Pluralism in the World, The Iranian Islamic Revolution, and Lebanese Christian Nationalism: The Rise and fall of an Ethnic Resistance. He has published several articles on Sudan, Israel, Lebanon and other areas in leading scholarly periodicals such as Middle East Quarterly, Journal of Middle Eastern Studies and Global Affairs.

Dr. Phares, a well-known expert on Middle Eastern affairs and ethnic and religious conflict, has testified before the US Senate, conducted congressional briefings, contributed to US State Department seminars and was cited in the congressional records as an advisor to the working team on the “Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1998”. WP is an executive board member of several national human rights organizations, think tanks and ethnic Diaspora associations.