Angelo Codevilla
Angelo Codevilla directs research in Strategy in the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. He is a professor of International Relations at Boston University. From 1985-1995, Professor Codevilla was a Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
From 1975-1985, he was on the staff of the US Senate Intelligence Committee. In 1980 Professor Codevilla served on President Reagan’s Transition Team for the US Department of State in charge of Western Europe, and on the Transition Team for the US Intelligence Community.
Professor Codevilla is the author of numerous books, essays and articles. Recent books include,
Machiavelli’s Prince (Yale University Press, 1997), The Character of Nations (Basic Books, 1997),
American Security: Back to Basics (Hoover Institution Press, 1994), and
Informing Statecraft: Intelligence for a New Century (Free Press, MacMillan, 1992). At present he is working on a study of the political thought of Charles DeGaulle.