Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)


ACPR Research – Summary


Yitzhak Rabin:
"Palestine Will Rise upon the Ruins of Israel"

Arieh Stav

Policy Paper No. 73,
Also in the book
Israel and a Palestinian State:
Zero Sum Game?
, 2001

The political process transpiring in the Middle East since the Madrid Conference (November 1991), and with greater intensity since the signing of the Oslo Accords (September 1993), is referred to by many as "the peace process". Its essential characteristic, as defined by American Presidents Bush and Clinton, is the principle of "territory for peace". In other words, it is incumbent upon Israel, the sole democracy in the Semitic domain, which occupies 1/500 of the area occupied by the Arab countries, to relinquish the one commodity which it is lacking – territory. The Arab tyrannies, on the other hand, are being asked to deliver in return the sole commodity of which they have none – peace. Consequently, from the State of Israel's perspective, a radical step is being recommended; one which is liable to bring Israel to the threshold of peril, as the withdrawal to the l967 borders or to their proximity, will restore Israel to the situation from which it was forced to launch a preemptive strike in order to free itself from the "Auschwitz borders" (as Abba Eban characterized them at the time).

Thus, Israel is the first country in history defeated by terrorism which was transformed from being a tactical nuisance to a strategic threat. The establishment of a Palestinian state on the outskirts of Tel Aviv is designed to serve as a springboard for the destruction of the Jewish state. This is the open, declared intention of the Arab world as it manifests itself in the "phased plan" adopted by the Palestinian National Council in its session in Cairo in June l974. The plan was ratified by the Arab League (at the initiative of the then President of Egypt, Anwar el-Sadat), and consequently it obligates all league members. In Oslo, the Israeli government signed an agreement with a "criminal organization" – as defined then and now by Israeli law – which was, at the time of the signing and remains today, committed to the destruction of the State of Israel as defined by its name: the "Palestine Liberation Organization"; by its constitution, "The Palestinian Charter"; by its political platform, "the phased plan" which portrays the state as a springboard for the destruction of Israel by the Arab countries; by the constitution of Fateh which is the dominant element in the nascent Palestinian state and its anticipated ruling party; and also by its emblem, which is a map of the entire western Land of Israel with no trace of Israel.

Therefore, immediately upon its establishment, the Palestinian state will act according to its constitutional, political and religious commitments. The first four steps which will be taken by "Palestine" upon its establishment will be to:

  1. Set its borders to correspond with the 1949 cease fire lines (the June 4, 1967 borders).
  2. Sign military cooperation agreements with the Arab countries in order to facilitate the "phased plan" and to draft a regular army.
  3. Execute a campaign of ethnic cleansing of Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
  4. Take steps towards the implementation of UN resolutions 181 (partition borders) and 194 which obligates Israel to repatriate the 1948 war refugees.

It is worth noting that the Palestinian state will be the beneficiary of massive support from the international community for sections 1, 3 and 4 as the "partition borders" are the only borders recognized by the UN. Furthermore, the UN declared that the Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, therefore defining the settlers as "war criminals" and, repeatedly sanctions the 1948 refugees' "right of return". As for section 2, the Israeli contention that Israel will demand the demilitarization of the Palestinian state is not only without foundation in international law, but, practically, even if it so desired, Israel lacks the capability to enforce it.

The return to the 1967 borders will effect a series of failures, among them: The loss of 70 percent of the water supply in a semi-arid state; loss of strategic assets in Judea, Samaria and the Golan resulting in the concurrent loss of its nuclear deterrence; loss of American support; Israel has already been transformed from a strategic asset to a "political liability"; loss of the national raison d'état since the willingness to relinquish Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria the cradle of the Hebrew nation and the very foundation of Zionism will empty Zionism of its content; loss of an opportunity to establish an Israel-India-Turkey axis which might have rendered impotent the most dangerous development in the geo-strategic alignment: Muslim hegemony in the Middle East. Each of the above failures, standing alone, poses a serious threat, in tandem they will position Israel on the threshold of oblivion.

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