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Syria and the Former USSR:
The Warfare Cooperation Goes On

Ze'ev Wolfson
Policy Paper No. 85 (Hebrew),
Published in Nativ, Vol. 75-76/4-5, 2000


The following analysis of Syria-FSU military cooperation is based mainly on Russian, Ukrainian and other CIS sources which are not generally used by western researchers. The analysis clarifies that the Syrians have managed to make good use of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and of the “gray” market for arms, which was “blooming” in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia etc. in the early 1990s.

By “shopping” in that way, Syria was able to solve some of its army's most urgent problems, such as supplying it with ammunition and spare parts, and it could also refresh its arsenal of light and anti-tank weaponry. There is no indication that Damascus will abandon in the future the ramifying and good relations that it established in these countries Syria plays a very important role in Russia’s plans and aspirations to return to the Middle East and Damascus does not even pay its debts and bargains on making very modest scaled arms orders. It knows Moscow needs it both for strategic and commercial objectives.

For the complete text of this article (in Hebrew), click here.