Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)




A Journal of Politics and the Arts Volume 11 ■ Number 2 (61) ■  March 1998

Table of Contents

Current Affairs Digest

Weapons of Mass Destruction - The Geo-Strategic Aspect
The Editor and his Guests: Daniel Leshem - The Patriot Improvement Program Elyakim Ha'Etzni - Our Rejected Christian Allies ■ Louis René Beres - Iran's Blood Money ■ Chief of Staff - Israeli Citizens Can Sleep Quietly ■ The Mortal Charity of Our American Ally ■ Jerusalem - Ankara Axis? ■ The Palestinian Holocaust ■ Arafat in Yad Vashem - Desecration of Memory


The Iraqis WMD Challenge - Myth and Reality

Yossef Bodansky

No Room for Error in a Minuscule Country - The Case for Enhanced Ballistic Missile Defense

Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto

The Chemical and Biological Threat Against Israel

Dany Shoham

The Failure of the MTCR in the Middle East

Gerald Steinberg

The Missile Threat Against Israel: Boost Phase Intercept of Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Azriel Lorber

The BPI as an Alternative

Reuven Pedatzur

The Challenge of Iran: Background, Dangers and Prospectives

Moshe Gilboa


The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir


Aharon Amir ■ Miryam Godel ■ Herzl Hakkak ■ Lois Ungar ■ Asher Torren ■
Ruth Netzer


Esther Silber Vitkon - From a Settler's Diary

Essays and Reviews

Ephrayim Ben Haiym - The Heritage of B. Katznelson


Jabotinsky's letter on the Arabs, 1919


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