Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV  Volume Sixteen   Number 3 (92)  ■  May 2003 ■ Iyar 5763 ■ Ariel Center for Policy Research





Islam and Nazism

Paul Eidelberg and Will Morrissey

What links Islam to Nazism is the ethos of jihad. For both Islam and Nazism, war is not merely a means to an end: mere conquest. War for both is a moral imperative: for the Nazi, to purge the world of racial impurity, for the Muslim, to purge the world of religious impurity.

Both have or require an enemy: for the Muslim the “infidel”, for the Nazi the “Jew”, The genocide perpetrated by Muslims against the Armenians preceded the genocide the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews.

Although literary Islam and Nazism have profound differences, these are of little significance to the victims of these militant doctrines. The one reduces human beings to dhimmis, the other to slaves.

Although Islam forbids what may be termed “personal” suicide, it exalts suicide (i.e., martyrdom) in the context and ethos of holy war. That Arab parents can exult in their children being sacrificed as human bombs is surely a throwback to paganism. But this paganism indicates that the sanctity of human life is not a normative Islamic doctrine. Indeed, on page after page of the Qur`an¸ unbelievers are consigned to Hell – Islam’s crematoria.

Some scholars contend that what is here imputed to Islam should in truth be imputed to “Islamism”. They allege that Islamism, as distinct from Islam, twists Qur`anic teachings to un- Qur`anic uses. The candid scholar will admit, however, that the Qur`an lends itself to such twists, and much more clearly so when viewed from the Shari`ah, Islamic law.

The only way to eliminate what is misleadingly called Islamism is to change the political regimes that now rule the Islamic world. The existing Islamic regimes are highly unlikely to change (except for the worse) by means of internal forces – “inside-out”. Only a comprehensive geopolitical strategy will transform these regimes, “outside-in”.

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