Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fifteen   ■   Number 1 (84)  ■  January 2002   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research





Myth: Cultural Asset or Anti-Zionist Weapon

Shlomo Sharan

Serious students of mythology, including Ernst Cassirer and Henry Tudor among others, agree that myths, along with art, language, religion, music and science, provide the symbols needed for expressing humanity’s interpretation of the world. By contrast, Post-Zionist sociologists employ the term myth in its pejorative sense of  fraud and deception.. They even accuse Zionism of systematically “commissioning” great writers and scholars to disseminate Zionist ideology to justify its immoral act of occupying Arab territory in Palestine-Israel.

Zionism, it is asserted, sought to establish a “mythical” continuity between bygone eras of Jewry and contemporary Israel, and thereby to brain-wash Israel-born generations of  Jewish youth into believing that they were the descendants of earlier generations of Jews since Biblical antiquity who cherished a love of Zion. According to the Post-Zionists, the Jews who came to Palestine-Israel were merely a random collection of immigrants, not “olim”, and their sabra offspring were no more than second generation immigrants. The notion that they belong to an ancient Jewish people that returned to claim sovereignty over its historic homeland, is, in their eyes, a Zionist myth.

This conception of  Zionist “mythology” reflects the influence of post-modernist deconstructionism that views “historical continuity” as mythical falsehood. History is an arbitrary concantination of separate events whose continuity is a figment of mythical thinking stemming from political ideology. There is no continuity in Jewish history, and contemporary Jews are not heir to any historical tradition. Those ideas merely serve the purpose of Zionist political propaganda, claim Post-Zionists.

However, allegations made about the “commissioning” of famous writers and scholars to work for some Zionist “propaganda machine” is a fabrication for which no Post-Zionist author ever produces evidence. Numerous documents dating from 1920 to 1960 from archives are remarkable for their outspoken devotion to, and support of, Zionist ideals. Post-modern individualism denies any meaning to people’s collective responsibility for their communities or nations. The sabras’ devotion to Zionism is “explained” by Post-Zionists as the product of Zionist brainwashing by its commissioned agents. Post-Zionists have adopted a deconstructionist view of human events that atomizes history into disconnected units. Deconstructionist Post-Zionists denounce Zionism for attributing meaning to Jewish historical continuity, for “brainwashing” Jewish youth to think that they are walking in the footsteps of their forebears from ancient times, and for calling upon Jewry to assume collective responsibility for its historical fate.

In addition to eradicating the meaning humanity attributes to its historical experience, these accusations share the distinguishing features of classical anti-Semitism, to wit: Jewry and Zionism allegedly commit a crime by transmitting their “myths” to the next generation, while all the nations of the world consider that task to be their moral obligation in order to preserve and enhance the meaning of their human and national existence. For the Post- Zionists, the accepted norms of human and national behavior are to be denied to the Jewish people. The Post-Zionists are unequivocally anti-Zionist. These ideas express an anti-Jewish nihilism stemming from Jewish self hatred, regrettably rampant in Israel’s universities and colleges.


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