Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fourteen   ■   Number 6 (83)  ■  November 2001   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




Exporting the Intifada to Western Democracies

Raphael Israeli

Ever since the outburst of the intifada at the end of September 2000, a sustained effort has been made by Arab and Muslim networks worldwide to export it to the Western democracies in America, Europe and Australia. Indeed, on campuses, in the streets of the major western cities, in the media and in mass demonstrations, those groups of Arabs/Muslims have been mounting violent attacks against the Jewish communities in their localities and the policies of Israel towards the Palestinians.

Since they have joined forces with local anti-Semites, those violent groups have turned the campaign into a thoroughly anti-Jewish – under the guise of anti-Zionism – onslaught on everything Jewish, Israeli or Zionist. Synagogues were torched, cemeteries desecrated, Jewish day schools damaged, Jewish worshippers and students assaulted, and obscene threats were voiced either in demonstrations or in posters, telephone calls and internet sites.

This upheaval, which is no doubt orchestrated from the outside, has introduced an element of uncertainty and fear to the lives of established Jewish communities throughout the western democracies. Moreover, due to the increasing numbers of Arab/Muslim immigrants, legal and illegal, into those countries who give them asylum, and their tendency to concentrate in certain areas where they can impact on patterns of voting, local politicians tend to behave permissively with them and look the other way, while the influence of the Jewish communities is being visibly diminished.

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