Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fourteen   ■   Number 6 (83)  ■  November 2001   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




Islam – Terror in the Guise of Religion or Religion of Terror

Meir Abelson

Islam sprang from pre-Islamic tribal society, and borrowed extensively from Judaism and Christianity. Its intentions were enunciated by Muhammad when he declared that, as the “final revealed word of God”, Islam eclipsed all other religions, and aspired to conquer the world in the name of Allah. This basic intention remains to this day.

The world according to Islam is divided into two parts: Dar-Al-Islam – the Abode of Islam, in which Islam is in full religious-political control and Dar-Al-Harb – the Abode of War - the rest of the world still unsubdued by Islam.

Islam – which means “submission” – is destined to achieve its aim by jihad – holy war –which requires non-Muslims to convert to Islam willingly through persuasion, or unwillingly through fighting. Jewish and Christian communities conquered by Muslims are termed dhimmis – “tolerated” in their homeland from which they are dispossessed, and subjected to restrictions.

Muhammad’s sweeping victories 1,400 years ago convinced the Muslims that Allah guaranteed their success, and that their civilization was superior to any other. Defeat and domination by the “infidel” West since the 19th century caused psychological disorders which have today reached pathological proportions. No less theologically obscene was the creation of the State of Israel – a dhimmi State – at the heart of the Abode of Islam, and its subsequent repulse of Arab aggression in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. The creation of myths intended to further the jihad against Western civilization and its “outpost” Israel included, inter alia, the existence of a separate Palestinian people and the responsibility of Israel for the refugee problem, all of which have been exposed as fabrications by various Arab leaders, by British and UN officials and by refugees themselves. 

By changing its appearance to suit the surroundings, Islam has penetrated worldwide. The threat to the West, which has been monitored for some fifty years, has only become palpable with the terrorist attacks on the soil of the United States.

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