Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fourteen   ■   Number 3 (80)  ■  June 2001   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




Aborting the Danger in its Incipient Stage


The public mandate which Ariel Sharon received, an open, sweeping vote of confidence – for the first time relieved of the curse of Arab irredentism whose estrangement from the State of Israel prevented their participation in the most recent elections – is unprecedented in its scope. An overwhelming majority of 70%, among them many constituents of the camp traditionally affiliated with the Labor movement, who understood, employing healthy common sense, that is: whatever was left of it after the media brainwashing campaign, the magnitude of the impending disaster resulting from the Oslo conspiracy. Everyone now knows that there neither is nor was there ever a "peace process", but rather a repeated attempt to destroy the State of Israel through a combination of terrorism, political delegitimization and the negation of strategic assets. All of these serving as a prelude to a comprehensive war. As always, Egypt is leading the pan-Arab strategic process. The two overriding trends which exemplify the region attest to this: a. Arms proliferation, especially weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, i.e. ballistic missiles; b. A rise in the level of virulent anti-Semitism which is designed to lead to the delegitimization of the Jewish State and the demonization of Jews. The present phase is designed to transform the territories, which were relinquished to the Palestinian Authority as a staging ground for terrorism against Israel. The comprehensive acquisition of shoulder missiles, Katyushas and mortars, blatantly delivered from Jordan, Lebanon and especially Egypt, have led to an escalation of the terrorist alignment which is quickly adopting a Lebanese character. Already, every settlement located within a few kilometers of Area A is under threat of mortar fire. Today, these are the kibbutizim, moshavim and towns adjacent to the Gaza Strip, Sderot, Kfar Saba or settlements in Judea and Samaria. Tomorrow, it will be Rosh Ha'ayin, Petah Tikva and Lod, along with a significant number of the central traffic arteries in the country which are already partially paralyzed. With the acquisition of shoulder missiles, Ben-Gurion Airport will become a central target of terrorism. In practice, it will not be necessary to intercept a commercial aircraft. The mere potential and implicit threat will lead to the cessation of foreign companies' flights to the State of Israel's central international airport. Can one even consider endangering 400 hostages to the mercy of Arab barbarism? Relinquishing territories in Western Samaria to the Palestinians will bring much of the Dan region, in which 70 per cent of Israel's Jewish population and a similar percentage of its industrial infrastructure are concentrated, within Katyusha range. The establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as conceived by Sadat will lead to a military pact with Egypt and Syria, according to the PLO's phased plan: “Once it is established, the Palestinian National Authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity” (paragraph 8). Therefore, if the Oslo process does not cease immediately, Israel will find itself surrounded by Syrian and Egyptian tanks, not in Sinai and the Golan, but on the outskirts of the Dan Region.

As a result, this danger should be aborted in its incipient stages, meaning dismantling the Palestinian Authority and eradicating enemy weapons from the Western Land of Israel. A decisive action on Israel's part will more than hint to the Arab world that it had better not get entangled in another war. There is no doubt that the price will be onerous. European community sanctions are possible, the Arabs will beat the drums of war, the American State Department will "lose its cool" and our local leftists will be consumed with hatred. However, all of these are immeasurably preferable to the likely alternative. Israel must rid itself of its image as a sacrifice being led to slaughter that everyone nods at, pities and overtly and covertly views their wretchedness with contempt. Israel has very powerful allies in the American Congress, and with Clinton's departure, in the White House as well. The Europeans, cognizant of the Moslem invasion of Rome, Paris and London, are mindful of the danger posed by the Arabs and therefore the possibility that they will support Israel – if it displays the resolve to stand up for itself – cannot be discounted. In any case, Israel has no alternative.


The editor's column does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Nativ editorial board.

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