Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fourteen   ■   Number 1 (78)  ■  January 2001   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




"You chose disgrace in fear of war. You got disgrace and war as well." - Winston Churchill


Raya Epstein

Judaism's Encounter with European Culture and Totalitarianism







Eliyahu ben-Avraham

"Peace" Movements - Then and Now

Mordechai Nisan

How Israel Destroyed the Cedars of Lebanon: A Personal Memoir of a Frozen Policy

Aharon Amir

Nights of Bamboozling, Days of Reckoning

Dany Shoham

Chemical and Biological Weapons in Syria

Itamar Levin

The Lost Jewish Property in Egypt

Gedalya Schmalberg

Delusion and Denial: A Reexamination of the “Arab Conflict with Jews and the State of Israel”

Yuval Arnon-Ohanna

An Alternative to the Oslo Agreement: Open “Mosaic” Sovereignty

Raphael Israeli

From Bosnia to Kosovo - Re-Islamization of the Balkans - (II)

Dov Landau

There is No Other Culture for a Jew

"My Best Agent Was a Jew..."- Laurence Weinbaum on The Network – The Aaronsohn Saga - by Shmuel Katz Business Perspectives on National Security – Martin Sherman on Designing Israel’s Policy Towards Syria – by Ron Tira

Book Review

The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir

Reuven Ben Yoseph Shulamit Hava Halevi Yehuda Steinmatz Ramy Ditzani
Hava Pinhas-Cohen
Ruth Netser


Reuven Tabul - The Threefold Cord Oded Mizrahy - The Descent of Generations


Arieh Stav - A Note on the Art of Translation

Essays and Reviews

Joseph Klausner - An Untimely Statement?


Reuven Ben Yoseph on Aharon Zeitlin

Homage and Recognition

Prof. Edward Alexander ■ Dr. Yoram Beck ■ Dr. Aharon Ben-Ami ■ Ephraim Ben-Haim ■ Prof. Yosef Ben-Shlomo ■ Prof. Yirmiyahu Branover ■ Prof. Louis René Beres ■ Dr. Netta Kohn Dor-Shav ■ Prof. Paul Eidelberg ■ Prof. Emil Fackenheim ■  Naomi Frenkl ■ Dr. Giora Goldberg ■ Prof. Raphael Israeli ■ Shmuel Katz ■ Aron Pappo ■ Prof. Eliav Shochetman ■ Prof. Shlomo Sharan ■ Dr. Martin Sherman ■ Prof. Ezra Sohar ■ Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto ■ Dr. Laurence Weinbaum ■ Prof. Hillel Weiss ■ Gen. (res.) Rechavam Zeevi

Editorial Board


Editor: Arieh Stav Associate Editor: Noah Eitan Managing Editor: Itta Horol
Publishing Director: Leah Kochanowitz ■ Subscription Manager: Eli Maislish ■ Production: E. Oren, Ltd.

NATIV - bi-monthly ■ Published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) ■ ISSN 7092 1187
P.O.B. 830, Shaarei Tikva 44810 Israel ■ Tel: 972-3-906-3920, Fax: 972-3-906-3905
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Annual subscription rates: 150 NIS ■ Overseas $60

The views expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
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