Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV    Volume Thirteen    Number 2 (72)   March 2000    Ariel Center for Policy Research




The Future Battlefield:
Conventional and Nonconventional Terror

Ezra Sohar

In the wars waged against Israel, the Arab states lost. With terror they have succeeded in subjugating Israel, cheaply from the standpoint of casualties and money. Terror has changed from a nuisance to an existential danger. Along with this, biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons have brought a great increase in the destructive power that can be stashed in a regular-size suitcase. As an example of what a suitcase containing ordinary explosives can cause, consider the 300 fatalities in the buildings blown up by Chechen rebels in Moscow.

The following are several necessary countermeasures:

1. Cancellation of the law that forbids reactions by civilians, and by soldiers as well, to the throwing of stones and stealing of cars and other property. The complete ignoring of these lawbreakers gives the message that the Jew is a victim who can be attacked without fear of retaliation.

2. Those who dispatch terrorists must no longer be permitted to hide behind anonymity. Those responsible must be exposed and punished with full severity, and apprised beforehand that this will be their fate.

3. Terror is a collective punishment – the response must also include collective punishment.

4. Allocation of large sums for the development of counterterror weaponry.

5. Development of means of coping with nonconventional warfare, while providing suitable explanations to the public.

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