Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV    Volume Thirteen    Number 1 (72)   January 2000    Ariel Center for Policy Research




War and Postwar Dutch Attitudes
Toward the Jews: Myth and Truth

Manfred Gerstenfeld

The more than 100,000 Jews from The Netherlands murdered by the Germans in World War II represented a higher percentage of Jews killed - 75% - than in any other Western European country. Dutch Nazi collaborators outnumbered those active in the Resistance. The common international image of help given by the Dutch to the Jews during the war concerns a very small part of the population: most Dutch accommodated themselves.

Preparing for the extermination of the Jews living in The Netherlands, the Germans could count on the assistance of most of the Dutch administrative infrastructure. With respect to Dutch collaboration, Eichmann said: “the transports run so smoothly that it is a pleasure to see.” Systematic looting of Jewish property began before the deportations to the east. The government in exile in London did not even do the little it could for the Jews. The queen devoted five sentences in five years in her radio speeches to the fate of Dutch Jews under occupation.

The first post-war Dutch governments made no particular effort to help the Jews, even though their plight was much worse than that of the average Dutchman. Denigrating remarks about restitution to the Jews were made in private by the first post-war Dutch prime minister, Schermerhorn.

In 1999 values, the possessions stolen from the Jews during the war and not returned are worth many billions of dollars. Even in the most optimistic assumption, the present public investigations will lead to the return of only a minor part of this. The commissions of inquiry will not address key issues such as the moral and legal responsibility of post-war Dutch governments for the fate of the Jews they could not protect during the war, and the moral dimension of the post-war restitution laws. The danger that history could be distorted in exchange for money must be prevented.

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