Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Twelve   ■   Number 3 (68)  ■  May 1999   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




A Scenario for the Jewish State in 2020

Paul Giniewski

Political fiction, utopia and futurology have a legitimate function in politics and in the writing of History,  Did not Herzl's Judenstaat and Altneuland serve as blueprints for the Jewish state?

Paul Giniewski predicts at what horrid cost Israel survived the establishment of an Arab state of "Palestine", which triggered off the most destructive of its wars, in the year 2005:  600,000 Jewish victims, Haifa razed to the ground by an Iranian nuclear bomb and even much more severe destruction in the Arab world.

But inn 2020, the former foes are reconciled.  They have rejected Islamism and the European selfish mercantile yoke which had fanned the flames of hate in order to sell arms of mass destruction to Israel's enemies.  Instead of pursuing the path of mutual destruction, Israel and her neighbors have united in a viable and prosperous Confederation.  The Arab dictatorships have become democracies.

This evolution had deep historical roots.  As early as 1919, Zionists and Arabs had concluded an ephemeral peace.

The Middle East could have been spared decades of wars and bloodshed, had not the disastrous Oslo agreement and the ensuing "peace process" impeded and prevented real Peace.

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