Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Twelve   ■   Number 6 (71)  ■  November 1999   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




The “Peace Process” and the Illusion of American Aid The Editor and his Guests:  Yuval Ne’eman - The Peace Agreements and the Nuclear Deterrent Aharon Dolev - Auschwitz As a Circus Arena Ezra Sohar - The Elite, the Cultural Clash, etc. Howard Grief - The Inapplicability of UN Security Council Resolution 242 to Judea, Samaria and Gaza Steven Plaut - The Coming Economic Collapse of Syria Louis René Beres - Are We Obligated to Support Civil Disobedience Against the Barak Government?

Current Affairs Digest

Raphael Israeli

The Islamic Movement Radicalizes Israeli Arabs







Ervin Birnbaum

The Religious-Secular Conflict with Particular Reference to Israel (I)

Shlomo Sharan

Why the Separation of State and Religion is Inappropriate for Israel

Yaacov J. Katz

Israeli Society in Light of the 1999 General Election: The Establishment of a Confederation of Sectors

Daniel Leshem

The Teheran-Damascus-Hizbullah Axis 

Paul Eidelberg

Can Israel Survive its Judicial System? A Political Assessment

Christopher Barder

Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” and its Bearing on Israel’s Security

Moshe Gilboa

The Israeli-Nigerian Relationship Following Nigeria's Democratization

"Internal and Perpetual Interests" - Laurence Weinbaum on Ambiguous Relations: The American Jewish Community and Germany Since 1945 by Shlomo Shafir

Book Review

The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir

Shulamit Chava Halevy Philip Rosenau Adrianne Rich


Ari Allenby - Summit Yehezkel Brown - Holidays Esther Zilber-Vitkon - End of Summer 99


Giora Leshem on Adrianne Rich Lea Baratz on Yitzchak Oren Gideon Setter on the Levine Syndrome

Essays and Reviews

Ahad Ha'am - Half Consolation


Prof. Edward Alexander, Dr. Yoram Beck, Dr. Aharon Ben-Ami, Ephraim Ben-Haim, Prof. Yosef Ben-Shlomo, Prof. Yirmiyahu Branover, Prof. Louis René Beres, Dr. Netta Kohn Dor-Shav, Prof. Paul Eidelberg, Prof. Emil Fackenheim, Prof. Harold Fisch, Naomi Frenkl, Dr. Giora Goldberg, Prof. Raphael Israeli, Shmuel Katz, Aron Pappo, Prof. Eliav Shochetman, Prof. Shlomo Sharan, Dr. Martin Sherman, Prof. Ezra Sohar, Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto, Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Prof. Hillel Weis, Gen. (res.) Rechavam Zeevi

Editorial Board


Editor: Arieh Stav Associate Editor: Giora Leshem ■ Copy Editor: Esther Keren
Managing Editor: Itta Horol ■ Publishing Director: Leah Kochanowitz ■ Subscription Manager: Eli Maislish
Production: E. Oren, Ltd.

NATIV - bi-monthly ■ Published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) ■ ISSN 7092 1187
P.O.B. 830, Shaarei Tikva 44810 Israel ■ Tel: 972-3-906-3920, Fax: 972-3-906-3905
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