Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fifteen   ■   Number 4-5 (87-88)  ■  September 2002   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




The Triple Connection:
Europe, Delegitimization of Israel and Post-Zionism

Ran Ichay

Ever since the outbreak of the war between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Israel has found itself under unprecedented ongoing criticism due to its defense policy. This criticism, directed by the Arabs, but led by other international players, contains spirits and ghosts we thought were buried some 60 years ago. By refusing to surrender to one of the worse terror attacks the world has ever witnessed and by choosing to fight back, Israel has exposed itself to political, moral and legal attacks by its opponents.

These attacks were crafted using a clever method, building on the very basic foundations which had led to the establishment of the Jewish state, as it was agreed upon and voted for both in the League of Nations (1919) and in the UN (Resolution 181, from 1947). Political, historical, legal and moral aspects of the conflict were “examined” by the respected media in Western Europe, all combined with official statements and declarations, followed by analyses of experts, and leading to the inevitable conclusion: the eternally guilty, the Jew, has done something evil  once more.

Only this time it was more than just blaming Israel for whatever is wrong – this time the critics touched the roots of the Hebrew saga in the Middle East, testing its logic and justifications, questioning its legitimacy and clearly doubting its right to exist under the current circumstances. The simplest way was to take the old Zionist claims and to deny them one by one, by using the same tools that were used by the Zionists in the past.

Thus, in a very cynical way, Israel’s opponents “prove” its guilt of robbing the Palestinians of their land in the first place, and holding them under “occupation” since 1967, in contravention of international law.

In this campaign, the Arabs and the Europeans enjoy the support of various bodies in Israel, that although they may not wish to bring Israel to its end (unlike some of the others mentioned), nevertheless they would really like to see the state change its character – maybe back to what it was before: weak, suffering from permanent danger of elimination by Arab invention, but yet, led by the “correct” regime. These Israelis ignore the danger and the hidden intentions of Israel’s opponents on their way to their dream of a new, modern, secular Israel. Different motives lead these groups into each other’s arms – and leave Israel almost isolated not only in the real battlefield, but also in the battlefield of the court of history.

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