Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Fifteen   ■   Number 4-5 (87-88)  ■  September 2002   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




Israeli Intellectuals and Israeli Politics

Edward Alexander

Intellectuals in several Western democracies have long advocated ideas expressing preference for their country’s enemies over any glimpse of identification with the defense and protection of their fellow countrymen. This was true in England before WWII, and it has been true in Israel since the establishment of the State and before as well. Some of Israel’s better known authors, sociologists, professors of political science, artists, journalists and others who express their opinions in press, have frequently espoused the Arab cause against their fellow Jews and the State of Israel. Expressions of this position sometimes reaches hitherto unimaginable depths, using the most grotesque metaphors borrowed from Jewry’s most vicious anatagonists.

Historical precedent teaches that these ideas take on a malignant character and can result in horrifying consequences for the Jewish nation. An entire array of these homemade hatemongers and their venemous expression is presented and discussed.

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