Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Thirteen   ■   Number 1 (72)  ■  March 2000   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




...And if the Golan is Judenrein


Mordechai Nisan

How the Syrians Overthrew the Christian Sovereignty in Lebanon







Steven Plaut

The Collapsing Syrian Economy

Dany Shoham

Chemical and Biological Weapons in Syria

Eliav Shochetman

The GSS - Popping Open the "Champagne"

Yosef Oren

The Israeli Period of Hebrew Literature

Amnon Lord

The Narcisism of the "Sabra" and Anti-Semitism

Manfred Gerstenfeld

War and Post-War Dutch Attitudes Toward the Jews: Myth and Truth

Ervin Birnbaum

The Religious-Secular Conflict with Particular Reference to Israel (II)

Yohanan Ramati on Identity and Civilization, Essays on Judaism, Christianity and Islam by Mordechai Nisan Aharon Ben-Ami on The Fabrication of the Israeli History by Ephraim Karsh

Book Reviews

The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir

Ramy Ditzani Herzl Hakkak Zalman Shazar Lois M. Unger Robert Frost


Moshe Shamir on The Roar of the Lion


Meir Hovav - The Depth of the Wide Range View Elhannan Nir -The Poetry of Reuven Ben-Yoseph Gideon Setter - Robert Frost - The Affinity between Form and Meaning

Essays and Review

Prof. Edward Alexander, Dr. Yoram Beck, Dr. Aharon Ben-Ami, Ephraim Ben-Haim, Prof. Yosef Ben-Shlomo, Prof. Yirmiyahu Branover, Prof. Louis René Beres, Dr. Netta Kohn Dor-Shav, Prof. Paul Eidelberg, Prof. Emil Fackenheim, Prof. Harold Fisch, Naomi Frenkl, Dr. Giora Goldberg, Prof. Raphael Israeli, Shmuel Katz, Aron Pappo, Prof. Eliav Shochetman, Prof. Shlomo Sharan, Dr. Martin Sherman, Prof. Ezra Sohar, Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto, Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Prof. Hillel Weiss, Gen. (res.) Rechavam Zeevi

Editorial Board


Editor: Arieh Stav ■ Associate Editor: Giora LeshemCopy Editor: Esther Keren 
Managing Editor: Itta Horol ■ Publishing Director: Leah Kochanowitz ■ Subscription Manager: Eli Maislish ■ Production: E. Oren, Ltd.

NATIV - bi-monthly ■ Published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) ■ ISSN 7092 1187
P.O.B. 830, Shaarei Tikva 44810 Israel ■ Tel: 972-3-906-3920, Fax: 972-3-906-3905
Subscriptions: Tel/Fax: 972-3-533-9822 ■ Email:

Annual subscription rates: 150 NIS ■ Overseas $60

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