Ariel Center for
Policy Research



NATIV   ■   Volume Eleven   ■   Number 2 (61) ■  March 1998   ■  Ariel Center for Policy Research




Weapons of Mass Destruction - The Geo-Strategic Aspect
The Editor and his Guests: Daniel Leshem - The Patriot Improvement Program Elyakim Ha'Etzni - Our Rejected Christian Allies ■ Louis René Beres - Iran's Blood Money ■ Chief of Staff - Israeli Citizens Can Sleep Quietly ■ The Mortal Charity of Our American Ally ■ Jerusalem - Ankara Axis? ■ The Palestinian Holocaust ■ Arafat in Yad Vashem - Desecration of Memory

Current Affairs Digest

Yossef Bodansky

The Iraqis WMD Challenge - Myth and Reality







Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto

No Room for Error in a Minuscule Country - The Case for Enhanced Ballistic Missile Defense

Dany Shoham

The Chemical and Biological Threat Against Israel

Gerald Steinberg

The Failure of the MTCR in the Middle East

Azriel Lorber

The Missile Threat Against Israel: Boost Phase Intercept of Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Reuven Pedatzur

The BPI as an Alternative

Moshe Gilboa

The Challenge of Iran: Background, Dangers and Prospectives

The Arts ■ Editor: Moshe Shamir

Aharon Amir ■ Miryam Godel ■ Herzle Hakkak ■ Lois Ungar ■ Asher Torren ■ Ruth Netzer


Esther Silber Vitkon - From a Settler's Diary


Ephrayim Ben Haiym - The Heritage of B. Katznelson

Essays and Reviews

Jabotinsky's letter on the Arabs, 1919


Prof. Edward Alexander, Dr. Yoram Beck, Dr. Aharon Ben-Ami, Ephraim Ben-Haim, Prof. Yosef Ben-Shlomo, Prof. Yirmiyahu Branover, Prof. Louis René Beres, Dr. Netta Kohn Dor-Shav, Prof. Paul Eidelberg, Prof. Emil Fackenheim, Prof. Harold Fisch, Naomi Frenkl, Dr. Giora Goldberg, Prof. Raphael Israeli, Shmuel Katz, Aron Pappo, Prof. Eliav Shochetman, Prof. Shlomo Sharan, Dr. Martin Sherman, Prof. Ezra Sohar, Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto, Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Prof. Hillel Weis, Gen. (res.) Rechavam Zeevi

Editorial Board


Editor: Arieh Stav ■ Associate Editor: Baruch KorothCopy Editor: Esther Keren Managing Editor: Itta Horol
Publishing Director: Leah Kochanowitz ■ Subscription Manager: Eli Maislish ■ Production: E. Oren, Ltd.

NATIV - bi-monthly ■ Published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) ■ ISSN 7092 1187
P.O.B. 830, Shaarei Tikva 44810 Israel ■ Tel: 972-3-906-3920, Fax: 972-3-906-3905
Subscriptions: Tel/Fax: 972-3-533-9822 ■ Email:

Annual subscription rates: 150 NIS ■ Overseas $60

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