Irving Moskowitz
Dr. Irving Moskowitz has
devoted his life to his family and to his philanthropic calling of
supporting life-enhancing activities. Fundamental to his personal
philosophy is the tenet that everyone should have the opportunity to
succeed in life. He believes in extending to a disadvantaged student
the scholarship that will enhance his or her life by ensuring that a
child experiences the pride, fun and teamwork of playing on a sports
team; or in seeing that inner city sixth graders have an outdoor,
hands-on learning experience at a Science Camp. Likewise, in his
beloved Israel, The Moskowitz Foundation is ensuring that university
students have housing, that cancer-stricken youth get their “dream
trips”, that synagogues are restored and built, and that basic
healthcare is improved by a dialysis center and dental clinic. The
Moskowitz Foundation is funding the School for Mass Communications
(SMC) which is now being built on the campus of The College of Judea
and Samaria.
Dr. Moskowitz received
an Honorary Doctorate from Bar Ilan University, and is a founder of
the Hebrew Academy, Long Beach, CA, a Permanent Member of the
Committee for the Inaugural Conference of the State of the Zionist
Organization of America. He has been selected for the Man of the
Year Award by the National Conference of Christians and Jews and is
a “Master Builder” of the Great Synagogue of Jerusalem.