Alex Epstein
Alex Epstein has a BA in Philosophy from Duke University and is an
analyst focusing on business issues at the Ayn Rand Institute. He was the
editor and publisher of The Duke Review for two years. He is a
contributing writer for
The Objective
Standard, a quarterly journal of culture and politics. His articles
there include "'Just
War Theory' vs. American Self-Defense," co-authored with Yaron Brook.
His Op-Eds have appeared in such publications as the Detroit Free Press,
Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer,
Chicago Sun-Times, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Arizona
Republic, Canada's National Post, Indianapolis Star,
Orange County Register, Tampa Tribune, and the
Washington Times. Mr. Epstein has been interviewed on numerous
nationally syndicated radio programs on business topics such as income
inequality, media and internet regulation, oil industry profits, social
security and the FDA.