Netta Kohn Dor-Shav
Netta Kohn Dor-Shav is a Clinical Psychologist who has spent most of her career in teaching and research, first at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and following her aliya in 1969 at the Department of Psychology at Bar Ilan University. NKD has been a member of BPA, APFPME, APA, IPA, and chairperson of the Research Group for the Study of the Psycho-Social Sequelae of the Holocaust (Israel). Her writings over the years, published in professional journals and proceedings, focused on research findings as to long range psychological effects of Concentration Camp internment, followed by studies of the transgenerational carry-over to the children and then the grandchildren of the victims. More recently, NKD has turned her attention, and pen to aspects of the psycho-social pathology of Israeli society, regarding which she has published a number of articles in