Milton (Mi-cha-el) Arfa
Milton (Mi-cha-el) Arfa
(1920-2003) lived his entire life in New York, except for visits to
Israel. He devoted himself to the study and teaching of all aspects of
Hebrew literature, from earliest times until, and including, Israel's
contemporary writers. His academic career included teaching at Yeshiva
University, the Herzliah College, Hunter College of the City of New
York, and New York University. In all of his teaching he emphasized
the central and decisive role of Zionism in the life and destiny of
the Jewish people. As chairman of the Israel Matz Foundation for
almost 40 years, he initiated and implemented several notable literary
projects, such as the publication of a volume of the works of Avraham
Ibn Ezra, prepared by Israel Levine,1985, and an anthology of the
stories and essays of Micha Josef Berdyczewski (Bin-Gorion), prepared
by his son, Immanuel bin-Gorion, 1983.